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Board & Superintendent Relationships: Strategies for Building Trust in the Mistrustful Context of K-12 Public Education


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Board & Superintendent Relationships: Strategies for Building Trust in the Mistrustful Context of K-12 Public Education


Superintendents often inherit a conflict-ridden relationship dynamic and tense micropolitical climate, within a general context of distrust directed toward public education and elected officials. Substantive change and improvement are possible when superintendents take stock of their somewhat damaged and mistrustful board/superintendent relationship status upon entry and strategically cultivate relational trust (Bryk & Schneider, 2002), with their respective individual school board members, as substantiated by increased and genuine displays of mutual respect, personal regard, integrity and competence in their public and private interactions. A board/superintendent relationship is not static but malleable, and with concentrated focus and customized strategic intervention by a superintendent, a previously or temporarily damaged governance team relationship can be repaired and optimal trust restored.

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