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Director of Maintenance and Operations Academy

2024 Registration is Now Open!

Class Schedule for 2024

(Friday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM PST, Saturday 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM PST)

  • September 5th & 6th
  • October 4th & 5th
  • November 1st & 2nd

Class Schedule for 2025

  • January 24th & 25th
  • February 7th & 9th
  • March 7th & 8th
  • April 4th & 5th
  • May 2nd & 3rd

COURSE DESCRIPTION A complete curriculum called the Director of Maintenance and Operations Academy has been developed to give seasoned maintenance and operations directors new skills or improve their current ones. This 8-month academy, developed by experienced school district maintenance and operations supervisors, school administrators, and other school leaders, consists of a broad base of education and training in the classroom setting, online with both synchronous and asynchronous instruction, and by practical application. The academy will provide participants the chance to broaden their skill set in a tough yet supportive setting that emphasizes industry best practices. Specialized assignments and class projects are completed both alone and in small groups. Participants who finish the course satisfactorily will be awarded a TSS Director of Maintenance and Operations Certificate.

Topics Covered During Academy
  • The Importance of School Maintenance
  • Preventative and Deferred Maintenance
  • Maintenance Standards, Quality Assurance
  • Master Facility Planning
  • Opening and Closing of Schools
  • Transportation
  • Photovoltaic Systems
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Hazardous Materials and Toxins
  • Construction Finance and Management
  • Budget and Finance
  • Personnel Administration and Human Resources
  • Supervision
  • Purchasing
  • Community, District Relations, and Customer Service
  • Public Speaking and Board Presentations
  • Risk Management
  • Leadership
  • Operations
  • Food Service
  • Business Writing and Communications
  • Technology and Information Systems

The participants will be able to:
  1. Acknowledge how and why maintaining a good school is one of the most crucial factors in ensuring student success.
  2. Become knowledgeable and develop the skills necessary to be a successful maintenance and operations director.
  3. Identify best practices for school districts in areas such as construction, financial management, budgeting, and other crucial ones for a successful maintenance and operations director.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and skills needed to be an effective leader and supervisor for a school district.
  5. Build a strong relationship with district stakeholders and be mindful of and adept at implementing techniques to foster positive relationships across districts and the community.
  6. Enhance each director of maintenance's skill set in areas where they are lacking, while enhancing their strengths.

  1. Attendance and Participation –Participants are expected to attend and contribute to all sessions and must attend all classes in order to receive the certificate. If an emergency arises, one session may be made-up by writing an academic paper pre-approved by the program’s instructor or other agreed make-up assignments.
  2. Group Projects – The students will take part in a variety of group projects in class. Students may be required to take on many tasks during these group projects, such as facilitator, scribe, group leader, etc.
  3. Presentation – Participants are required to present a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation. One Topic will be chosen by the student and another by the instructor.  Student-chosen presentation topics must also be approved by the instructor.
  4. Practicum/Project – Participants will select an appropriate practicum which will be due by the end of the course. The practicum can be a variety of activities, including taking on a needed District project or a specific interview with an experienced M&O director, architect, construction manager, etc.  The practicum topic/project must be agreed to by the instructor.
  5. Other Assignments – Other assignments will be given on a variety of topics with the goal of honing the skills of the class participant.
  6. Assessments - To gauge learning, evaluations will be conducted on a regular basis. A final test marks the end of the academy and passing it is a requirement for graduation.

Course Currilcum

    • M&O Pre-Assessment 7 days
    • Introduction and the Importance of School Maintenance 00:00:00
    • Grand Jury Assignment 4 weeks, 2 days
    • M+O Academy Week 1 Quiz Unlimited
    • Maintenance Planning 00:00:00
    • Deferred Maintenance Plan Assignment 4 weeks, 2 days
    • Maintenance Standards and Staffing 00:00:00
    • M&O: Staffing Exercise 4 weeks, 2 days
    • M+O Week 2 Quiz Unlimited
    • M&O: Operations – Custodial 00:00:00
    • MEMO Summer Vacation & Cleaning 00:00:00
    • COVID Review 00:00:00
    • Operations Quiz Unlimited
    • M&O: Opening and Closing of Schools, Furniture and Equipment Replacement 00:00:00
    • Quiz on Furniture Disposal, School Closure & Areas of Concern (Force Account, OSHA/OCR Inspections Unlimited
    • M&O: Hazards, Toxins and Disaster Preparedness 00:00:00
    • Quiz on Hazards, Toxins & Disaster Preparedness Unlimited
    • M+O School Guide 00:00:00
    • M&O Grounds 00:00:00
    • M&O: Solar Asset Management 00:00:00
    • Quiz on Solar (Photo-Voltaic) Presentation Unlimited
    • IR A-22 DSA Exemptions 00:00:00
    • Facilities Master Plan 00:00:00
    • The FMP Process Presentation 00:00:00
    • Facilities Master Planning and Project Process Quiz Unlimited
    • M&O: Food Service 00:00:00
    • Integrated Pest Management 00:00:00
    • Healthy School Act Links 00:00:00
    • HSA Factsheet 00:00:00
    • HSA Compliance Childcare Packet 00:00:00
    • IPM Quiz Unlimited
    • Supervision & Frisk 00:00:00
    • FRISK Sample Letters 00:00:00
    • Supervision & FRISK Quiz Unlimited
    • FRISK 00:00:00
    • M&O Public Speaking and Board Presentations 00:00:00
    • Presentation Topic (PowerPoint) 1 year
    • Public Speaking Powerpoint 00:00:00
    • M&O Practicum/Project 5 months
    • M+O Public Speaking Quiz Unlimited
    • Technology & Information System 00:00:00
    • M+O Technology Quiz Unlimited
    • Customer Service 00:00:00
    • Customer Service Quiz Unlimited
    • Budget & Finance 00:00:00
    • Director’s Role in the Budget Process Handout 00:00:00
    • Budget and Finance Quiz Unlimited
    • Risk Management 00:00:00
    • Risk Management Workshop 00:00:00
    • M+O Risk Management Quiz Unlimited
    • Overview of Insurance 00:00:00
    • Overview of Insurance and Self Insurance Programs 00:00:00
    • Insurance and Self Insurance Quiz 1 year
    • Essentials of Professional Writing 00:00:00
    • Essentials Of Writing Quiz Unlimited
    • Personnel Administration & Human Resources 00:00:00
    • Human Resources Best Practices 2022 Presentation 00:00:00
    • Progressive Discipline Activity 2022 00:00:00
    • HR Supplemental Handouts 00:00:00
    • HR Progressive Discipline Activity 00:00:00
    • M&O HR Quiz Unlimited
    • Transportation for M&O Directors 00:00:00
    • Transportation Powerpoint 2022 00:00:00
    • M+O Transportation Quiz Unlimited
    • Transportation Services 00:00:00
    • Construction Finance & Management 00:00:00
    • Delivery Methods Quiz Unlimited
      • Effective Leadership in an Everchanging Landscape 00:00:00
      • Special Education and Stress Management For M&O 00:00:00
      • Emergency Plan 00:00:00
      • M&O Special Education Quiz Unlimited
      • Sample Interview Questions 00:00:00
      • Director of Maintenance and Operations Final Exam 02:00:00
      • “The Principalship – Speaking from Experience” Unlimited
      • Director of M+O Academy Final Session Powerpoint 00:00:00

    Course Reviews


    12 ratings
    • 5 stars12
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    1. Amazing Class... I wish I could take it again already.

      I loved the class… David and Joe are Awesome and this class covers so many different layers of knowledge. I will probably try and listen to these presentations for as long as I can in my earbud while I work, until I memorize them. There are only 3 things I regret.

      1. That I had to step out a few times and missed some of the class and interactions.
      2. That the class is over ( I could do this every Friday/Saturday )
      3. That I didn’t get 100% on every single thing I did…. 🙂
      Okay maybe 4. and that would be to someday be a part of this program.
      Thank you guys for EVERYTHING!

      Steve Davis.

    2. Michael Casey DunningDecember 9, 2023 at 10:24 pm
      By Professionals for Professionals

This course brings together the best and brightest in each field, offering firsthand knowledge of what it takes to succeed in the various departments that fall under the Director of MOTF’s purview. The connections, resources, and relationships you acquire are truly invaluable.

    3. Shelly Dearinger, Director of Instructional Facilities, Risk Management, and SafetyDecember 11, 2021 at 11:06 am
      M&O Certification Course was superb

      David and Joe were excellent instructors. Information provided during the year long course will be valuable for years to come. Course is highly recommended for anyone in the field.

    4. Awesome program

      This academy was awesome. The ten month program was very knowable, the instructors Joe and David were very thorough and clear on all the materials they went over with us. I have learned a lot from attending this program. I’m already incorporating things that I learned into my district and my day to day routine. I recommend this academy to anyone who wants to gain knowledge on M&O directors and district procedures.

    5. M/O Class

      A lot of knowledge taught that you cannot learn on your own.
      A very friendly and helpful staff thanks for everything.

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