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Board & Superintendent Relationships: Strategies for Building Trust in the Mistrustful Context of K-12 Public Education

Superintendents often inherit a conflict-ridden relationship dynamic and tense micropolitical climate, within a general context of distrust directed toward public education and elected officials. Substantive change and improvement are possible when superintendents take stock of their somewhat damaged and mistrustful board/superintendent relationship status upon entry and strategically cultivate relational trust (Bryk & Schneider, 2002), with their respective individual school board members, as substantiated by increased and genuine displays of mutual respect, personal regard, integrity and competence in their public and private interactions. A board/superintendent relationship is not static but malleable and with concentrated focus and customized strategic intervention by a superintendent, a previously or temporarily damaged governance team relationship can be repaired and optimal trust restored.

Course Currilcum

    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 1 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 2 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 3 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 4 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 5 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 6 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 7 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 8 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 9 00:00:00
    • Board and Superintendent Relations part 10 00:00:00

Course Reviews


4 ratings
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  1. Excellent Course

    This course was extremely helpful in organizing my approach and building reliability and trust in the mentioned areas.

  2. Well spent time and money.

    The course is very efficient and informative. I love the organization of the content – gripping videos

  3. What an awesome course!

    I loved how the course had a very engaging factor to it. Also, a very brief course to cover the basics.

  4. Well Explained Strategies

    I noticed a decent number of efficient strategies being delivered. Really impressed with how easy it was to grasp the course.

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