Budget Boot Camp for Superintendents and Cabinet-Level District Officials
Live Webinar
A One-Day Institute
Date: TBC
Time: TBC
About the Workshop
What information do Superintendents and Cabinet Level District Officials need to know about the budget in order to efficiently administer district programs, avert fiscal crises, and maintain great fiscal resource management?
The TSS/ACSA Budget Boot Camp for District Leaders was created at the request of superintendents who believe that such a training program is not only necessary but also critical to the successful career and professional development of current and aspiring superintendents, as well as other cabinet-level administrators.
This seminar will cover the following topics:
✔ Basic financial needs and timeliness for all California school districts.
✔ Understanding your school district’s financial health.
✔ Making sense of multi-year predictions.
✔ The fundamentals of account codes and how they are utilized to control the budget.
✔ What should a superintendent anticipate from the CBO?
✔ Questions to ask your fiscal office personnel and strategies to check the information supplied.
Who Should Attend?
Superintendents and district-level administrators who are responsible for supervising and evaluating budget managers and ensuring the district’s budgetary stability are highly encouraged to attend. Also accessible for other administrators aspiring to top positions at the district level.
In-person attendees will get a binder containing a copy of the materials delivered and shared by all speakers, as well as any extra handout materials placed in the appendices. All materials will be made available to online attendees in PDF format.
About the Presenters:
➩Mays Kakish
Ms. Kakish is the chief business officer for the school system, and she is recognized for designing and executing excellent business procedures, such as robust and well-tested budget planning and control processes. She has almost 20 years of experience in education financing. She has spent a significant amount of time teaching administrators about budgeting, the LCFF, and the LCAP. She is now the Riverside Unified School District’s Chief Business Officer and Governmental Relations Officer. She has created training programs to help administrators comprehend and manage finances.
➩Brett Mc Fadden
Mr. McFadden is the superintendent of the Nevada Joint Union High School District and has over 23 years of experience in education policy and leadership. He is well-known throughout the state for his knowledge of school finance, governance, and excellent administration and leadership of TK – Adult instructional programs. Prior to becoming superintendent of NJUHSD, he was the associate superintendent of the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD).
Brett formerly worked as the Chief Business Official (CBO) for the Pajaro Valley Unified School District in the Monterey Bay area. He also served as Director of Management Services for the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) for ten years and offered advisory skills on fiscal, negotiating, and operational services to over 220 local school organizations around the state.
➩Dr. Joseph Pandolfo
Dr. Pandolfo has over 30 years of experience in public education as a teacher and administrator, and he joined Total School Solutions as Executive Vice President in 2020. He gives financial and management advice to school districts around the state. Throughout his career, he held administrative positions such as superintendent, deputy superintendent, and director of finance and operations.
He was named Sonoma County Business Administrator of the Year in 2011, and the Sonoma County Office of Education commended him and his district’s transportation department for their assistance during the Tubbs Fire in 2017. He is a former Redwood Empire Schools board president and a member of the Sonoma County Treasury Oversight Committee. His doctorate is from the University of California, Davis with a dissertation on school district efficiency.