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Indiana School Business and Finance Module

This introductory lesson is the first of thirteen self-paced modules. Students are free to attend this class at their leisure. This workshop's resources include video lectures and reading materials that may be downloaded. The training also includes questions to think about and reflect on. After completing all the video lectures and assessments of the course, students will be familiar with Indiana’s main aspects of school business and finance, and they will be able to qualify for an Indiana School Business and Finance Certificate from Total School Solutions based on Indiana administrator competencies covered and (3) CTE points for each course (Continuing Education Credits) for administrative and teacher license renewal pending IDOE approval.
The workshop starts with an overview of the topics discussed in the video lectures. Students will be introduced to terminology, significant aspects of business and finance, current financial issues, and local education politics.
The purpose of this module is to provide an overview of online self-paced modules that may be taken to earn an Indiana School and Business Certificate, as well as to give a synopsis for students who are interested in receiving the working knowledge of school business and finance for career advancement in a variety of school district positions.
The instructor for this course and the program is Thomas Keeley, Ph.D. His bio is available by using this link: https://pd.totalschoolsolutions.net/members/tkeeleyconsultinggmail-com
“We need to care about our State Budgets because they are critical for our kids and their future!” –teamwork, understanding different disciplines, understanding diversity and other cultures around the world.”
Irene Rosenfeld/CEO and Chairman of Kraft Foods.

Course Currilcum

    • Indiana School Business and Finance Module 1 00:00:00
    • Introduction to course Indiana School Business and Finance 00:08:02

Course Reviews


3 ratings
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  1. Easy to follow

    I’m enjoying the content, quite easy to follow.

  2. Brilliant course

    Brilliant course with a brilliant instructor. I enjoyed this course. I would recommend this course for financial professionals as well.

  3. Well Explained

    Outstanding course. Instructor does a great job explaining and using examples.

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